"George Mason’s Libby Dissauer understands students who juggle raising a family while pursuing an education, who have to decide whether to pay rent, buy food, get gas or pay tuition.
She remembers when she was 24, recently divorced and with a child.
“I had a rickety old Honda Accord, I wasn’t always sure it was going to get me to class,” said Dissauer, assistant director of Donor Relations at George Mason University’s Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations.
“I worked full time. I’ve worked full time since I was 19,” she said. “Some days, I’d figure, ‘I have to make a tuition payment this month,’ so, ‘Maybe I don’t buy groceries until Friday,’” she said.
“I believe now and I believed then that a college education is a key to success,” Dissauer told the membership of Great Falls Friends and Neighbors. “My story is not unique.""